
We gratefully accept donations to SSILA. You may choose one of two funds to donate to, listed below.

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Donate to SSILA

Travel Assistance Award - 2023-2024 FUND DRIVE

The travel awards allow SSILA to diversify participation in the annual meetings through assisting students, scholars outside of the US and Canada, and non-academic scholars, including Indigenous linguists and language practitioners.

In most years, SSILA receives requests totaling $13,000 - $17,000 and is able to award $3000. We need to reach the yearly allocation of $3,000 and build to the goal of $5,000 per year.

Right now in 2023, we very happy to report that Stephen R. Anderson and Janine Anderson-Bays have pledged up to $5,000 in matching funds to SSILA. To take advantage of their offer, we are currently seeking donations of any amount for travel assistance and the matching funds will be used specifically to assist with travel to the 2024 SSILA annual meetings held jointly with the LSA.

SSILA is a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization. Donations may be deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes. For donations of more than $295.00, or if you wish to give an amount not provided as a choice in the donation form, please contact the Secretary-Treasurer Mary Linn at

General SSILA Fund

Our normal working operations include upkeep of the website and email, the annual (winter) meeting, the summer meeting in odd-numbered years with LSA Summer Institute, and stipends for some positions in the Executive Committee to attend the annual meeting. We also have two awards, the Ken Hale Prize and the SSILA Archiving Award in honor of Michael Krauss, that carry a $500 stipend. Donations to the general fund will be distributed as needed for these awards.

Photo Credits

Donate banner image: eewansaapita, Summer Youth Experience, Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, Miami, Oklahoma, 2008. Photo by Karen L. Baldwin.